Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Hi All; Yes At Long Last I am Going To Do This.

Welcome To The New Blog.

Well here I am by the Ivy Bridge in #Ivybridge, I have just finished a 47 day exercise where I stated I would come up with a new brand. Well this is it, not much notice was taken of the 40 days blog but on the way I met many great people and had some adventure. Also started a love affair with @vineapp & continue the affair with Twitter, the free spirit that I am.
The site is not live yet. The plan as it stands is, the mornings will be a time of refection and well being. Lots from other bloggers and groups around my area and beyond. I plan to do live shows of comedy plus a good old chat. There will be music and there is my twitter feed fed into the site so people can request stuff and ask questions all the time. I am a very seen Drama Buff so there will be plays and if you know me from Vine #ThePhantomOfIvybridge will be the running soap. This indeed will be a hobby to start with, but I want to make it my life work and I would like you to come along for the journey. Not that bothered about earning money from it, just sharing and enjoying all the wonderful people I meet in my Journey through life.